
Single-channel digital video HD; black and white; sound; 16:9.

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Boothworks is a fictional documentary in which a voice off describes, from an uncertain future, an international art form consolidating around the 2010’s. This new art form, carried out by the gallerists of the time, took the gallery booth as an artistic medium and the art fair as its exhibition space. Booth art, as the narrator calls it, was nomadic, portable, ‘anti-gallery’, ephemeral, performative, site-specific and attempted to resist commodification. However, the narrator problematizes this challenging art form, questioning its relationship to capitalism, its social impact, the shift of focus from the art object to its context, the institutional and curatorial aims that promoted these practices, and how the figure of the art critic became unnecessary under these new circumstances.

The text is a collage entirely composed by edited quotes from well-known art critics, curators, art historians, artists and other artistic agents on conceptual, site-specific, performative, ephemeral art practices from the 60´s and 70´s, such as Lucy Lippard, Miwon Kwon, Germano Celant, Helen Molesworth, Seth Siegelaub or Joseph Kosuth, amongst others.

The visual part of the video was configured by editing video documentation from art fairs and other art events found on the Internet, in platforms such as Vernissage TV.

Press/ Texts:
· João Silvério, Glimpse. An Art of Microsenconds. Exhibition text. 3+1 Arte Contemporânea (2018).
Joshua Simon, ‘Cristina Garrido in Conversation with Joshua Simon’, MOUSSE Magazine, Summer 2019, Issue 68. (2019).
· Joshua Simon, ‘Speculation and Counter-Speculation: Price, Debt, Disruption and Contemporary Art’, MaHKUscript: Journal of Fine Art Research (2019).
· Henk Slager, ‘Re-Imagining Futures: 18 Notes’, MaHKUscript: Journal of Fine Art Research (2019).

Related Publications:
· Cristina Garrido. The Best Job in the World. Ed. Fundación DIDAC (2022).
· Boothworks 
[exhibition handout]. Museu d´Art Modern de la Diputació de Tarragona (Tarragona, Spain, 2023).

· Boothworks (solo exhibition). The Goma (Madrid, Spain, 2017). 
· A Dominant Mode of Art Production (solo exhibition). Galería CURRO (Guadalajara, Mexico, 2018).
· An Art of Microseconds (solo exhibition). 3+1 Arte Contempoânea (Lisbon, Portugal, 2018).
· Boothworks (solo exhibition). Cur. Francesco Giavieri. Museu d´Art Modern de la Diputació de Tarragona (Tarragona, Spain, 2023).

· ARCO Prize for Young Artists. ARCO Foundation, Comunidad de Madrid (Madrid, Spain, 2018).

Selected Collections: 
MACBA Museu d´Art Contemporani de Barcelona (Barcelona, Spain).
ARCO Foundation – Centro de Arte Dos de Mayo (CA2M) (Móstoles, Spain).

Full video.
Installation view of the exhibition Boothworks, The Goma (Madrid, Spain, 2017). Image: Roberto Ruiz.